KI Quick Information Update: Thursday, Oct. 16

IU Kokomo offers grant to get more college graduates

IU Kokomo is teaming with IU South Bend and IU Northwest to share a $450,000 grant intended to help Ivy Tech students as they transfer to complete four-year degrees. The Kresge Foundation grant will fund a pathway program to increase the number of college graduates in the region. The program includes: guaranteed admission for students, university advising, scholarships and an affordable approach to obtaining a college degree.
IUK Chancellor Susan Sciame-Giesceke said the grant will help financially facilitate teamwork with Ivy Tech.

“The grant will allow us to provide a transfer advisor, who can give personal support to all interested students,” Sciame-Giesceke said. “Working together with Ivy Tech faculty and staff, I know we can help more students in our region complete a college degree.”


Miami County to cut jobs

Miami County will cut $1.5 million from its 2015 budget. The Miami County Council decided Tuesday the county would cut costs by eliminating 10 county positions and selling the Miami County museum. The council approved the eliminations during first and second readings of the budget before finalizing the plan on Tuesday. Departments that will see job cuts include: probation, prosecutor, auditor and veterans affairs to name a few.


First business reopens in Firestone Building

A new way to help those on the autistic spectrum has opened its doors in Kokomo. The Indiana Behavior Analysis Academy Kokomo location is open on North Union Street. The academy provides one-on-one therapy for each child and a treatment plan that encourages the development of social behaviors in autistic children. The IBAA is the first business to reopen in the historic 1930 Firestone Building that is currently under restoration.

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