What would you give up to win the lotto?

A new survey found that 70 percent of us agree money can't buy happiness, but a lot of us would rather be rich than happy anyway.

People were asked if they'd rather find true love, win the lottery, or become famous. More than half went for the money. Fifty-eight percent said they'd rather win the lottery; 38 percent would choose true love; and 3 percent would want to be famous.

Although it might be because people feel like they've already found their soul mate, 78 percent of people said they wouldn't get rid of the person they're dating or married to for any amount of money. 

That means 22 percent would.  It's not all bad:  70 percent of those people said it would take at least $10 million for them to ditch the person they're dating or married to.

The survey also found 33 percent of people would give up their pet to win the lottery — including 7 percent who'd do it for less than ten grand.

Sixty-five percent of people say that if they found a winning lottery ticket on the street, they'd cash it in; 33 percent claim they'd try to find the rightful owner; and 2 percent say they'd destroy it


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