Jam-filled sausage is now a thing

Thirty seven-year-old Liam Bennett of Garnant, Wales just created the newest unholy food hybrid. The “Dausage”: it combines a donut and a sausage.

However, it might not be what you’re thinking. He took sausages and filled them with jam, like a jelly donut. So they’re not round, there’s no fried dough involved, no powdered sugar, no glaze, and no deep frying.

He has six flavors so far: Pork with strawberry jam; pork and beef with custard; pork with leek and blackcurrant jam; chicken with raspberry jam; venison with strawberry custard; and veggie sausage with Primrose.

Liam says: “There is always a bit of wariness to begin with, but “most people who have tried it have loved it.

He’s hitting some food festivals this summer, and launching a campaign on Kickstarter next month to raise money to put them into production.

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