Is this the worst cover up, ever?


This is an instant classic, folks, so buckle up.

Todd Courser is a Republican in the Michigan House of Representatives. An email went out about him in May that said he’d been caught behind a nightclub having gay sex with a prostitute.

Except it turns out that wasn’t true. He made it up, to cover up the fact that he was having a regular affair, and cheating on his wife.

The other woman is Cindy Gamrat — and she’s another Republican in the Michigan House. She’s also married, and she and Todd both have kids.

“The Detroit News” blew the whole thing open last week when they got some audio recordings of Todd concocting his plan to lie about the gay prostitute.

He hoped it would seem so scandalous and over the top that his REAL affair would be: “mild by comparison.”

So far, neither Todd or Cindy has commented on any of this.

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