What makes you say: ‘I’m too old for this crap’?

At some point, we all turn into Danny Glover from “Lethal Weapon”. Something happens that makes us say: “I’m too old for this crap.” Yes, we said “crap.” Because we’re too old for FCC fines.

There’s a discussion going on right now on Jezebel.com about the things that make people say, “I’m too old for this crap.” Here are our 10 favorites:

1. Sleeping on something other than a bed, like a futon or a floor.

2. Drinking bad coffee.

3. Not having any money in savings.

4. Waiting more than 20 minutes for a table at a restaurant.

5. Cheap alcohol, unless it’s by choice — like you really want a Miller High Life.

6. Staying someplace longer than you want.

7. Splitting a check by itemizing it. Seriously, just divide it in half.

8. All day, or all weekend music festivals.

9. Requesting new Facebook friends.

10. Going to clubs.

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