What’s the age limit of trick-or-treating

What age is too old for kids to trick-or-treat? When they’re out of elementary school? Middle school? High school?

A new survey asked people when kids should stop trick-or-treating. The average age is: 12.

Here are a few other results from Halloween surveys:

Eighty-seven percent of people think Donald Trump will be the most popular presidential candidate for Halloween costumes this year. No other Republican got a single vote. Eight percent said Bernie Sanders and 5 percent said Hillary Clinton.

Parents have different strategies for moderating their kids’ candy intake. Thirty-five percent limit the number of pieces per day; 21 percent take all the candy and choose how much to dole out; 14 percent limit their kids’ total number of pieces overall and 9 percent limit by calories.

One out of six people are wearing the same costume they wore last year.

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