CNN is majorly confused

After the Supreme Court voted to legalize gay marriage on Friday, some people were happy, some people were outraged and CNN was confused.

They cut to breaking news on Friday afternoon, when they thought they spotted an ISIS flag at a gay pride rally in London. It was a similar design, since it was a black flag with white writing.

But it wasn’t Arabic writing, they were pictures of sex toys.

They aren’t the only ones who got confused after the Supreme Court decision. A guy in Little Rock, Arkansas posted a furious message on his local NBC website, about how they’d turned their peacock logo rainbow colors to celebrate gay pride.

So NBC responded that their peacock logo has ALWAYS been rainbow colored.

After the Supreme Court decision, marriage equality became one of the top trends on Twitter; only tons of people were misspelling it “e-q-u-a-i-l-i-t-y.”

Fox News, CNBC, Larry King, Margaret Cho, Jill Biden, Shonda Rhimes and Smash Mouth all used the misspelled hashtag. Yes, even smash mouth.

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