Couple’s hand-holding saves their lives


Sixteen-year-old Dylan Corliss and 17-year-old Lexie Varga of Claremont, California were walking to get a burger last Thursday when they got struck by lightning.

They were holding hands when it happened. So it hit Dylan in the head; passed through his arm and into Lexie’s body and then exited through her left foot.

Turns out, it might have actually saved their lives.

They both got thrown to the ground, and Dylan says it felt like someone hit him in the back of the head with something. But, they were both okay so they got up and kept walking to get a burger.

Once they got there, they texted their parents, who made them go to the emergency room. But other than a small mark on Lexie’s foot and some aches and pains, doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with them.

It turns out that holding hands must have diffused the current, so neither of them took the brunt of it, and that’s why they didn’t get hurt.

They say the most annoying thing they’ve had to deal with because of it are the lame JOKES people keep making — like that “sparks” really must fly when they’re together.

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