Your co-workers really do want you to take that sick day

If you’ve got a cold or even a mild case of the flu, you’ll probably try to go to work. It’s the American work ethic: No days off, ever. Sixty-nine percent of us don’t take sick days.

But here’s the truth: Your coworkers want you gone — even if it means they have to do more work to cover for you. Check out these results of a new survey.

1. 63% of people say it’s unprofessional to go to work with a cold.

2. 62% say they’d feel more guilty about getting a coworker sick than taking a day off.

3. And 70% would tell a sick coworker to go home . . . if they could do it anonymously.

On the bright side, the days of people sucking it up and going into work sick could be coming to an end — thanks to good ol’ millennials.

Ninety percent of people under 34 say they’d take a sick day if they weren’t feeling well.

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