Category Archives: Blogs

My Kids Might Want to Keep This Obit For Future Reference……

My Kids Might Want to Keep This Obit For Future Reference……

The phrase “a life well lived” certainly applies to Mr. Joe Heller, whose obituary is getting national attention.  Seems he was quite the prankster with a wicked sense of humor.  Sounds like my kind of guy. His children wrote the tribute, and they seem to have inherited their dad’s sense of humor!!  Enjoy…..

Some of us actually want to live to 100

According to a new survey, 77% of us want to live to see our 100th birthday. And 30% of us think we WILL. But we must be expecting modern medicine to get us there, because WE’RE not doing much to make it happen. Only 31% said they’re making a serious effort to live longer .…MORE

The worst online dating mistake

“Love Story” told us that love means never having to say you’re sorry. And now apparently DATING requires never saying sorry. So just stop apologizing in general, it’s hurting your game. A new study by a dating app called Hinge figured out the best and worst things you can say when you start talking to…MORE

Office romances and how they start

Career Builder just released its annual survey on office romances. And if you’re alone this Valentine’s Day, you might want to think about staying late tonight . . . because it’s the most common way relationships at work start. 12% of people who’ve dated a coworker say it started because of a late night at…MORE

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